
A Kid's Job

Isn't it annoying that kids don't just believe us about the rules? They have to try it out and see if we're serious. Seems like every time I made a rule in my classroom, I'd have at least one kid break it to see what would happen.

It's their job. Kids are just learning about the world and one thing they need to know is whether we mean what we say. The reason that's annoying for me as a teacher or as a parent is that I have to follow through. Oh, it would be easier right now to let the bad behavior slide. But then next time they'll have to try again to see where the line really is. It'd be a lot easier on the parent and the child to just follow through the first time.

In her book, Raising Godly Tomatoes, Elizabeth Kruger points out an experience I can resonate with. While on the phone one day she said "Yeah, the kids are jumping on the bed. I really should go and stop them..." and it hit her. She should stop talking and take care of the behavior issue. This was her turning point toward developing better discipline in her children.

So kids must do their job. They must test the boundaries. We must do our job. We must be willing to stop what we're doing to take care of our children's discipline issues.


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