
Preparing for Baby

So at 37 weeks pregnant, I am feeling like it will be SOON that we have another little munchkin bringing joy to our home and it is time to get ready! I am trying to find energy to deep clean the house and cook extra meals, actually getting baby clothes washed and a crib set up, and relishing these last days of baby kicks and one-on-one time with my first baby. Oh, and worrying about labor. Can't forget that one :)

The interesting thing I find as I have all these things on my "to do" list getting ready for Baby is that God has a whole other set of priorities in preparing me for what lies ahead. Lucas and I have been visiting a new church for the last month or so and are participating in their annual Daniel Fast that is held at the beginning of each year; seeking God's will for our lives and striving to grow closer to Him. I thought it was kind of a crumby time for restricted eating, beings as I get to gain weight these days, but it has turned out to be a wonderful time of growing with the Lord. I am finding that I let other things distract me from my relationship with God far too often and it is so good to get really close to Him in this season when I will need him so much. Fasting has also offered Lucas and I a wonderful opportunity to see our own weaknesses (especially as I was really sick during part of it) and prepare to lean on each other and God for the strength we need. It has also been wonderful to seek God's will for some specific decisions about our future and receive some clear and interesting insights. God has been so faithful to us in this season; and it couldn't have come at a better time, really. What a good reminder that, while we can get stuck in our small goals, God is still out there managing the big picture and working His change in us when we let him!


Christmas Highlights

OK, I know I'm really belated on putting up some Christmas pictures! It seemed like a flurry of a holiday season this year and then I got sick after it all so I've been enjoying taking things easy for a while now. I really want to get healthy so I can nest!

Anyway, we started off with my great Date Idea of bell ringing outside the grocery store closest to us. It was a kinda warm night so David joined us for the beginning then his grandparents took him home. He brought in a lot more money than Lucas and I did without him :)
Then on Christmas Eve, we went over to the Heddings and had a lovely holiday. Here's me with my brand new crochet hook set. I'm enjoying learning to make all kinds of fun projects this winter :) The snow fell all day and then in the evening David and his Aunt Kelli had great fun shoveling off the back patio. He loves his new toy shovel.
On Christmas morning, we really enjoyed opening gifts as a family and seeing each other's reactions. David just loved his new toy cars and Tonka trucks.
Then we headed over to the Gifford Christmas and enjoyed more time with extended family. It is so rare to have everyone together with Heather and Ned in Utah and life pretty busy even for those of us closer together.
And then in January, we had a weekend down in Branson with the Giffords and enjoyed a fun resort with an indoor pool and the chance to relax and spend more time together opening stockings and being family.

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