
Heirs Together

Heirs Together
Creative Commons
originally uploaded by boo!berry
How's your "to do" list looking?  Is it pretty full?  Do you find yourself often on the edge of exhaustion from all the busyness?  If so, you're not alone!  We seem to have a cult of busyness in our society.  We pack our schedules full of errands, lunches with friends, bible studies, volunteering, classes for the kids, and a million other things that all sound pretty noble.

But at the end of the day, we collapse into bed without having made a connection with the most important person in our lives.  "Many husbands and wives are running circles around each other, seldom meeting in the middle" (Created to Be His Help Meet p. 280).  That means that husband and wife are left more or less alone.

But why did God create marriage in the first place?  Wasn't it because it was "not good" (Genesis 2:18) for man to be alone?  He made woman to be a "suitable helper" (Genesis 2:18) for him.  In our busyness, perhaps we wives have lost sight of this high and noble purpose.

Too many activities can mean more "pursuits of vanity"(Created to Be His Help Meet p. 280) than helpful activities for our family.  I do find that it's difficult to keep everything running smoothly at home when my day involves a lot of phone time or a long visit with a friend or an ambitious volunteering activity.  Now certainly maintaining relationships and being generous with my time can be good things to do, but it is important to keep my priorities in the correct order.  My first loyalty is to God, my husband and children, then extended family, neighbors, and the world beyond.

Created to Be His Help Meet

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