I'll bet he feels disrespected and pushed out of the family a little. I'll bet that Mom has a little bit of a role to play in this "he won't lead" problem. I'll bet she has a hard time following.
We've heard the feminism message loud and clear. Decisions should be 50/50. Housework should be 50/50. Childcare should be 50/50. That doesn't leave a lot of room for a husband to lead. He'll only be accused being a 'male chauvinist pig.' Feminism has robbed men of their place in the family.
So, what's your husband's place in your family? What do you do when your husband helps out? Do you tell him exactly how to complete a home/child task? Do you re-do it because he didn't do it 'right'? Do you respect his opinions or respond forcefully when you disagree? How about spiritual decisions like what Church to go to? Who leads that discussion?
In a marriage, both husband and wife have a roll to play. Leading is tough. Our men deserve some respect for carrying that mantle. Following well is an art. I don't do it perfectly. I have to check my temper, my perfectionism, and my controlling nature in order to let my husband lead. He doesn't always lead perfectly, either. When I imperfectly respect my husband's imperfect leadership, he imperfectly loves me the way I long for. Marriage can be a beautiful dance when we both have grace for each other's mistakes.
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
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