While 100 years ago families were large and usually begun shortly after marriage, the wide availability of contraception has delayed and reduced the number of children in most families. Is that entirely a good thing? Steve and Candice Watters' book Start Your Family
points out some of the blessings children (even droves of them) bring.
First of all, there's the blessed mess that seems to litter a home shared with children. This gives us parents a very visual reminder that our stuff is just stuff. While a childless couple might decide to redecorate their kitchen with mahogany cabinets, parents with young children might opt for something less "precious." Those cabinets are likely to be bumped, chipped, and childproofed, so why not get something more serviceable? Child rearing helps us parents give up our selfishness.
Kids can also help us gain skills for the work world. Historically, the prime child-rearing years are when Dad is in the midst of the "junior" level at his job. This is time of learning and growing as an employee and, if he has kids, as a parent. Those parenting skills can come in handy down the road, when Dad is promoted to a position with more responsibility. Parenting will have helped him gain the maturity to handle that position well. Having kids helps parents grow up ... and that's good for business!
Kids also draw families together. Grandparents love to watch their grandkids grow. That can be a strong impetus for more frequent visits or babysitting. I loved helping my sister out yesterday by playing with the kids and cuddling the babies. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to take part in the rich community of family. Even when family is far away, friends tend to rally around. That's nice when parents get worn out and need a little break, too!
Our society has grown to value self a lot. We like to keep our time and money to ourselves. Yet, when we open our lives to children and give up our "me" focus, there are rich blessings awaiting us. How sweet it is to make room in our lives for these little ones.
Start Your Family
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